Dood it's My Favorites

September Favorites

The things Charlie and I loved the most in September. 

The Black Dog baseball hat is the perfect hat to hide my greasy hair and throw on to do errands in. I have a black, white, and most recently this beautiful pink one. *disclaimer I am a Black Dog Ambassador but all opinions are my own*

Charlie went nuts for these Polka Dog Haddock skins. He loves the cod skins so I wasn’t surprised he loved the Haddock skins as much. Beware though, they are quite potent on the nostrils.

I love an espresso martini so I wanted to try Lover Boy’s espresso martini. I ended up trying both the cosmo and the espresso martini. Both were good but to my surprise I enjoyed the cosmo more! Total Wine sold them by me.

This J.Crew Factory sweater is such a classic quality closet staple for the cooler months.

I started Weight Watchers back up again and these Trader Joe’s Hold the Cone ice creams are the perfect after dinner snack that doesn’t leave you feeling guilty.

Finished White Lotus season 1 and it was such an easy watch. It’s a comedy filled with drama. Lots of black humor. Loved the character arcs throughout. Excited for season 2 this month.

Flandana by Kiel James Patrick. This bandana screams fall in New England and I love it.