Neutering Tips

It has been about 6 months since we all began social distancing and so many puppies were brought home! Since the start of quarantine I know at least 7 people who got a puppy. Because of this I thought I would share some neutering tips and what to expect during the first few days since neutering may be coming up for some! (Sorry I don’t have any spaying tips. If the next dog we get is a female I will definitely share!) I am no neutering expert and if you have true concerns or questions always consult your vet. These are just from my own experience with Charlie.
- Try to give a bath the night before or groom your dog before as you cannot wash your dog for 2 weeks after (especially important with doodles). We didn’t bathe Charlie before and he started to develop mats around where his cone rubbed all day and night.
- If you work 5 days a week try and schedule on a Friday to be home the first few days as they are the toughest on your dog and you.
- Charlie was 9 months when we neutered him. Our vet recommended 6 months or older to do so. We originally had an appointment scheduled at 7 months, but then our vet cancelled on us the night before because she went on vacation
. Needless to say we were not happy and have changed vets
. We also microchipped him at the same time since he would already be asleep for the neutering.
- We used a hard cone from the vet because the one we bought originally didn’t work. The hard cone worked fine for Charlie and I didn’t feel a need to invest in baby onesies or the suitical just for 10 days. However, EVERY dog is different with what they can tolerate so some may need bodysuits or a soft cone/pillow.
- They shaved Charlie’s front leg to place the IV. Since I am a crazy dog mom I wish I asked them to shave the back leg instead because it is less noticeable. It took about 3 months to fully grow back. But if you don’t care about that then ignore this tip haha.
- Your dog probably won’t eat or pee for 18 hours after and that’s ok! Charlie didn’t, but anything more than 24 hours I would call your vet.
- Your dog probably won’t want to move too much for a few days. We carried Charlie up and down the stairs for three days. He would just lay down in the grass when we went outside.
- Charlie cried for 24 hours straight and it’s ok if your dog does too! They’re definitely confused as to what is going on. Just show them love!
- Our vet prescribed Carafate, an NSAID, to help with pain and inflammation for 5 days, but every vet is different.
- We did not take Charlie on long walks until about a week after, but they are PUPPIES so they will have pent up energy. Don’t stress trying to make sure they are completely inactive for ten days (it is impossible). By day 5 Charlie jumped over the gate multiple times and he healed just fine. I’m not saying it’s ok to go to a dog park, but if your dog jumps on the couch a few times don’t stress!
- Most importantly give your pup lots of love and snuggles to help them through this confusing time.
- I am by NO MEANS an expert!. I am just sharing what we learned through our experience with Charlie’s neutering.